New: 21 Sensory Activities
Sensory activities for focus and calm.
21 sensory activities for calm
Ways to Calm My Worry Activity
As we make the move to return to class in a ‘new normal’ way, what are you worried about?
Story time Online:
Listen to celebrities read stories to you. Barbara Bains reads “The Kissing Hand”. Lots of titles to choose from.
Meditation Apps for Kids
Kids Help Phone
Whenever you need to talk, we are open. Text 686868 Call 1-800-668-6868
EASE at Home K-3
Strategies to help young children cope with anxiety especially during times of change or transition to new experiences.
EASE at Home 4-7
Strategies to help children cope with anxiety especially during times of uncertainty or change.
New: BC Children’s Hospital Back-to-School Wellness Toolkit
The B.C. Children’s Hospital has released a back-to-school wellness toolkit to help support families with practical guidance and resources as they adjust to school routines.
Youth (Grades 4-6) Wellness Toolkit
The Stigma-Free COVID-19 Wellness Toolkit website has inspiring stories, resources, & activities all in 1 place.
Stigma-Free COVID-19 Youth Wellness Toolkit
The Invisible String
A wonderful story for 3-8 yr. olds about being apart from those you love that may help with attachment needs as we return to school and adapt to another change in our lives.
The Invisible String read-a-loud only
The Invisible String Connections Lesson & Read-a-loud
Coronavirus A Book for Children
A free information book explaining the coronavirus in simple language for children aged 5 – 9 yrs. Have it read to you at the website or enjoy this attached PDF version.
Free digital book from nosycrow publisher
Coronavirus A Book for Children
Mo Willems Lunch Time Doodles (15 episodes)
My COVID-19 Time Capsule
National Geographic Kids
If you like learning about animals, insects, there are activities, games, videos to explore here.
New: ParticipACTION Family First Workout Video
Work out together as a family with these videos.
Recipe for Activity
Enjoy active play everyday with this activity selector!
Go Noodle
Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.
Fitness Blender Kids Workouts for Home
YMCA Health & Fitness
Videos for kids featuring yoga and breathing exercises.
Bains Boot Camps
Mrs. Bains’ Boot Camp beginner and advanced video series are on Youtube.
Beginner Classes:
Advanced Classes: