Senior Students


New: Virtual Calming Room

A place for students to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings to build resilience during these uncertain times.

Virtual Calming Room

COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub

A hub of resources to help you take care of yourself and look out for the people you love during this challenging time.

Youth Mental Health Hub

Mental Health 101

Supporting our Mental Health During COVID-19

Coping with COVID-19

Coping with COVID-19 through connection and creativity.

How to Help Friends

How to help your friends who might be struggling with their mental health.




New: Wellness Together Canada

Track your wellness journey or search for mental health, coping with stress, and managing substance use resources for youth.

Wellness Together Canada

Teens Grade 7-12 Wellness Toolkit

The Stigma-Free COVID-19  Wellness Toolkit website has inspiring stories, resources, & activities all in 1 place.

Stigma-Free COVID-19 Teens Wellness Toolkit

Mindfulness for Teens

Mindfulness site including free guided meditations by Dr. Dzung Vo.

Keep Calm Under Pressure

MindShift App

Here’s an app from Anxiety Canada resources that is very helpful.

Bounce Back BC

Free skill building program designed for youth 15-18 and adults to manage low mood, stress, and worry.


New: Healthy Living Guide for Teens

Check out this guide full of tips and resources for healthy living.

Healthy Living

How is your Sleep?

Here’s some great tips about getting more zzzzz’s

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Quick Tips for Dealing with Anxiety

Anxiety Canada has a host of useful tips to help you with healthy ways to deal with your anxiety.

Self Care 

Instant Stress Busters